Celebrating a Year of Compassion and Love: Grace Children Ministry International’s 2023 Journey

In 2023, Grace Children Ministry International embarked on a remarkable journey to spread the gospel and love of Jesus to new horizons. We reached out to 300 individuals in various villages, sharing the message of hope and providing them with essential needs and food supplies. Our efforts did not stop there; we also distributed 1000 New Testaments, ensuring that the word of God touched the hearts of many.
Our mission extended beyond mere words as we organized several events in these villages. These events were not just gatherings but moments of spiritual growth and community strengthening in Jesus’ love. We also focused on the younger generation, providing school supplies and food to children in slum areas. Our commitment to nurturing their faith was evident in our summer Bible study event, which reached over 200 children across 10 villages. These children experienced the love and generosity of our charity, receiving gifts and kids’ Bibles that we hope will guide them throughout their lives.

As we step into 2024, our vision grows even broader. We have begun the ambitious project of building a retirement home for the elderly, a testament to our commitment to serving all age groups. The construction work has already started, and we are filled with hope and excitement for the completion of this sanctuary.

However, our dreams do not stop with the retirement home. We aim to reach 10 additional villages, distributing 1500 New Testaments, and hosting a three-day summer Bible school for 500 children. Furthermore, we plan to establish 15 house groups, creating a network of faith and support throughout these communities.

Our journey is long, and the path we have chosen is not easy. Yet, with your prayers and financial support, we believe nothing is impossible. Your generosity has been the backbone of our ministry, and we invite you to continue walking this path with us. Together, we can bring more love, more hope, and more faith to those who need it most.

Prayer request

  • Successful construction and operation of the retirement home.
  • Strength, wisdom, and protection for our team as we aim to expand our reach to new villages.
  • The hearts of 500 children to be touched and transformed through our summer Bible school.
  • The establishment and growth of 15 house groups, fostering community and discipleship.