Our Trustees


Ben Coates

Grace Children’s Ministry International was registered with the UK charity commission by Ben after a ‘chance’ encounter with Vinod back in 2013. He was so impressed by the work of Vinod and his team, he decided to help develop and support their vision. This includes ensuring GCMI’s operations are funded by its trustees and 100% of donations from the public go directly to the local cause in India.

General Manager

Vinod Waghmare

Vinod is the general manager of the orphanage. Together with his hardworking wife, wider family and volunteers, they’ve been caring for orphans in their local community since 2010 which is when Grace Children’s Ministry (GCM) was founded. They’re an outward-focused team and always engaged with their local community. Vinod’s vision is to build a sustainable business model and create a future for the children in his care, to build medical and educational facilities and of course, have time to rest and spend time with his own family.


Bernard Boeteng

As an (almost) fresh graduate, Bernard is an accountant by day and a fitness-fanatic by night. He made the journey to GCM HQ in 2019 to volunteer with Vinod’s team and finalise details before returning to the UK to assist in registering the charity with the UK Charity Commission. Bernard played a key support role in the formation of GCMI.


Karlo Baker

Karlo is no stranger to the world of social enterprise, philanthropy, entrepreneurship…fashion, acting, modelling…in fact, there isn’t much Karlo doesn’t do! At the core of it all he does is somebody with a heart for people and a commitment to add value wherever he can. He’s always super busy which makes his commitment to GCMI all the more special.


Patrick Alan

Wow…Patrick Alan! He’s from the world of show business as a world-renowned actor, singer, dancer and writer. Founder of Music Box Live, he’s a business partner of Karlo Baker and when he’s not touring and scouting talent, he’s getting some well-deserved rest. Everybody who knows Patrick knows he has a big heart and the GCMI team are honoured to have Patrick on board!


James Crosby

Hailing from the USA, James made the trek eastward to India, to visit GCMI HQ in 2022, to spend time with the children and assist on outreach missions. He made a huge impact in the local community and has since played a key role in fund raising and supporting the mission. His ambition is to mentor underprivileged children…and to build schools, homes and water wells, which makes his addition to the GCMI team extremely valuable.

Creative Director

Ruben Waghmare

With a passion for photography, technology and travel, Ruben is responsible for capturing the great images you see on our website and social media. Over the years, he’s help document the journey of our charity, the home and the lives of the children, many of whom have grown into adults. With plans to work on more projects in the future, watch this space!